Frequently Asked Questions


  • When will the Conference take place?  

    The next Tactile Reading and Graphics Conference will take place on 2-4 June 2025.

  • Can I bring my personal care assistant?  

    Anyone accompanying an attendee must separately register to attend the Conference.Please know that accessibility is our utmost priority. We will make sure that every attendee can find their way in the Muziekgebouw without support.  

  • I am from outside the Europe. Can I obtain a letter of invitation to attend the Conference?  

    If you require a letter of invitation for your visa application, please submit a request for a letter of invitation here.
    At least one of the following criteria must be met in order to honor the request for a letter of invitation. The requesting party must either:
    - Be an author of an accepted submission (oral presentation, poster presentation, panel member).
    - Have paid the registration fee, in full, for this conference. 
    - Have paid the exposition or showcase fee, in full, for this conference.

  • What are the COVID-19 health requirements for attending the Conference?  

    There are no vaccination, testing, indoor masking, or social distancing requirements to attend the 2025 Conference at this moment. The Conference will continue to monitor global COVID-19 developments and adjust the requirements based on safety guidelines set by the Dutch Government.  


  • How can I register to attend the conference?  

    Attendee Registration is now open. Secure your tickets today. Register now

  • What are the registration rates and dates?

    • Full fee tickets (until 31 May 21 2025):
      • Regular € 625,- ex. 21% vat
      • Student € 325,- ex. 21% vat
  • What payment methods are accepted?

    Tickets are paid digitally, using iDeal or credit card

  • Can I register to attend just one day of the Conference?  

    No, there is no one-day Conference registration option.  

  • Can I register onsite?  

    No, there is no onsite registration at the Conference.  Should you wish to participate after the closing date of the registration, please contact us via We will review your request to see whether participation is still possible. We encourage you to register timely, since participation cannot be guaranteed after the closing date.

  • If I book my ticket online, how do I collect my ticket? 

    The ticket will be sent digitally to the email address provided when registering. It also appears in the app that we make available to participants.

  • Where can I review my registration information? 

    After your registration, you will receive an e-mail with all the information you provided.

  • Is group registration available? 

    We are happy to welcome large groups. However, every participant must register separately for the event. Tickets are issued personally.

  • Will I receive confirmation of my registration? 

    Immediately after registration, participants will receive a confirmation at their email address. The email address that you use to register for the event is also the email address that we will use to keep you informed about the event.

  • Do I need to bring my registration confirmation to the Conference? 

    We advise you to bring the registration confirmation with you (digitally or on paper).

  • What is the cancellation policy for attendees? 

    In the unfortunate case that you have to cancel your participation, we can refund refund your ticket depending on the timing of your cancellation. If your email is received no later than April 18th 2025, a cancellation fee of € 75,- will apply to cover administration and catering costs incurred with respect to your registration. If your email is received from April 19 to June 4th, 2025 no refund will be granted.


  • Where can I find information about the event agenda and schedule? 

    As soon as the speakers are known, the program will be shown on our website

  • Are there breakout sessions?  

    Yes, there will be breakout sessions. As soon as the schedule is known, the full program will be published on our website  

  • Will presentations be made available after the sessions?  

    The Tactile Reading Conference will compile a repository of links to presentation slides that will be made available to the public. The availability of presentation links is dependent upon whether Presenters make them available. Submission is voluntary and not a requirement to present.  


  • Where will the Conference take place? 

    Tactile Reading and Graphics Conference 2025 will take place at Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Check the Location page to find out all about the venue.

  • Are meals included in the Conference rate?  

    During all conference days we serve lunch to all participants and speakers. The costs for this are included in the ticket price. 

  • Is the Conference venue close to Amsterdam Central Station?  

    Yes, by foot: approx. 15 minutes from Central Station.

  • Is the Conference venue easily accessible by public transport?  

    Yes. The venue is accessible by tram 26 (stop ‘Muziekgebouw / Bimhuis’). The pedestrian crossing takes you to the entrance of the Muziekgebouw. The entrance is accessed by a steap walkway. If you want to avoid this walkway, walk 75 metres to the right, past the Passenger Terminal. Then make a left U-turn onto the parallel road, back towards the main entrance of the Muziekgebouw on the ground floor.  

  • Is the Conference venue easy accessible by car? 

    By car: 5 minutes from the A10 ring road motorway.  

  • Where can I park if I want to arrive by car? 

    Parking garage 'Piet Hein Garage' is situated directly underneath the neighbouring Passenger Terminal Amsterdam with direct indoor access to the Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ. Disabled parking spaces are available.  All parking spaces are paid parking. Parking costs are not included in the ticket price. We encourage walking or taking public transport. 

  • Is there a reception desk? 

    Yes, you will be welcomed directly at the entrance of the building. Guiding signs and hosts will guide you to the registration desks. 

  • Is the venue accessible? 

    All rooms are wheelchair accessible. You can submit any special wishes during the registration process.

  • Can I bring a guide dog? 

    Yes. Guide dogs are welcome.

  • How do I let you know about my special dietary requirements? 

    You can submit any special wishes during the registration process.

  • Where do I go to check in? 

    At the entrance of the building there is a registration desk where we will assist you with check-in. 

  • When do I get my badge and/or event tickets? 

    Your badge will be printed upon entry. Be sure to have this badge with you all 3 days. This is your admission ticket.  


  • Will my presentation be published? 

    This is up to you, but it is strongly encouraged by the organisation of Tactile Reading. All sessions will be listed in the conference schedule with a brief description. Additionally, any links to slides provided by presenters will be shared after the conference. The availability of presentation links is dependent upon whether Presenters make them available. General sessions are not published.   

  • What happens if my abstract is accepted?

    If your abstract is selected, a spot will be held for you in the Tactile Reading 2025 program. A variety of presentation formats are available. The program committee will let you know which form your abstract has been selected for. This could be an oral presentation, a workshop or a place at our Show & Tell market. 

    By the way, purchasing a ticket is essential. We also recommend booking a hotel in advance. On the Location page we offer you some hotel suggestions near the conference venue.

  • Will I be assigned a contact person?

    Yes, your contact person will contact you.  

  • What happens if my abstract is declined?

    We are very grateful for the large number of abstracts submitted. Unfortunately, the large number of submissions also means we cannot accommodate everyone. Should your abstract not be selected, we will notify you. If you have any questions about the rejection, please feel free to contact us. There are plenty of opportunities to share your knowledge during the conference. For example, join a Table Talk or exchange experiences with colleagues from around the world during the Show & Tell market. We look forward to welcoming you

  • Will I be assigned a contact person?

    No, we keep all speakers informed via email. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at

  • I have additional practical questions. Whom can I contact? 

    If you have additional questions about your abstract or presentation, please email us at For general questions and inquiries about the Tactile Reading & Graphics Conference 2025, email us at . 

  • As an attendee, can I receive the contact information of the presenters?  

    The Tactile Reading Conference does not give out personal information of participants or Presenters. The organisation encourages Presenters to include their contact details in the biography, which can be viewed from the app, so that participants can contact Presenters after their session. Presenters will not be required to do so.


  • Can I become a sponsor of the Tactile Reading Conference?  

    Yes. Visit our Sponsor page for further details. In case you want to know more about sponsoring this event, please get in touch with Lianne Noteboom at    


  • How can I stay updated about the Tactile Reading Conference?  

    Please subscribe to receive all our Conference Updates and stay tuned for further details, including the call for abstracts, the official program and featured speakers. And, of course, visit this website and our Facebook-page regularly.   

  • Is there a Conference rate for the hotel room reservation?  

    The Tactile Reading and Graphics organization does not mediate in accommodation bookings. We do like to offer you some suggestions for suitable accommodation in the vicinity of the conference venue. 

  • How do I attend the Conference as a member of the media/press?  

    Please send a request to for a media/press form. Media / Press Passes will only be authorized for those with credentials.