Feel Curious. About the program

We are pleased to announce that there is a lot of interest in performing at the Tactile Reading and Graphics Conference. We are currently working on a richly filled program with more than 200 (!) representatives. The speakers represent more than 25 different countries from all continents of the world. During this unique conference we serve you an attractive mix of practice and science.

The versatile and balanced program consists of oral presentations, a physical show & tell market, interactive workshops, valuable networking activities and interesting exhibitors. And, of course, we also offer plenty of space for informal meetings, good coffee and great food.

All meetings contribute to the themes:

  1. Braille & literacy
  2. Tactile graphics and 3D (printed) objects
  3. Arts, Leisure time and Games
  4. Innovative Technology
  5. Education
  6. MDVI

The program committee is currently working hard to put together the program with all speakers. Therefore, keep an eye on this page regularly for new announcements and for updates of the conference program.

See you soon!

Register now

Keynotes confirmed

'Science and practice in touch' by Prof. Astrid Kappers and Dr. Ans Withagen

Astrid Kappers
Ans Withagen

You are probably familiar with optical illusions like the famous duck/rabbit image or black and white lines that appear to spin on paper. But did you know that the sense of touch is also subject to illusions?

Prof. Astrid Kappers has been researching this for years, resulting in fascinating examples that will stay with you. But what does such haptic research mean for practical applications? Dr. Ans Withagen, with her extensive experience working with visually impaired children and research on the sense of touch, has a wealth of examples to bridge this gap.

‘The future of Braille. Research findings and challenges for teaching practice' by Prof. Dr Markus Lang

Markus Lang

During the Tactile Reading Conference, Prof. Dr Markus Lang will share the main findings of this research project, including the meaning and relevance of Braille, usage patterns and reading skills. Together, we will focus on the challenges for practice:

  • What role do assistive technologies play?
  • What are the needs of dual media users?
  • What are the essential requirements for learning to read and write Braille?
  • And how can we implement them effectively?

We invite you to think about these questions and discover together how we can bring braille education and usage to the next level. 

Further keynote speakers will be announced in March 2025.

Global overview of program

Monday 2 June

7.30   Walk-in & registration         

9.00   Opening & keynote

10.30  Break

11.00  Session round 1: Workshops, Oral Presentations and Table Talks

12.00  Session round 2: Workshops, Oral Presentations and Table Talks

12.45  Lunchbreak 

13.15  Start Show & Tell presentations in the Atrium
          Themes: (4) Innovative Technology & (3) Arts, Leisure Times and Games

14.15  Session round 3: Workshops, Oral Presentations and Show & Tell presentations

15.15  Session round 4: Workshops, Oral Presentations and Show & Tell Presentations

16.15 Keynote & plenary closing    

17.15 End of day 1


Tuesday 3 June

8.00   Walk-in         

9.00   Opening & keynote

10.30  Break

11.00  Session round 1: Workshops, Oral Presentations and Table Talks

12.00  Session round 2: Workshops, Oral Presentations and Table Talks

12.45  Lunchbreak 

13.15  Start Show & Tell presentations in the Atrium
          Themes: (2) Tactile Graphics and 3D objects & (5) Education & (6) MDVI

14.15  Session round 3: Workshops, Oral Presentations and Show & Tell presentations

15.15  Session round 4: Workshops, Oral Presentations and Show & Tell Presentations

16.15  Keynote & plenary closing    

17.15  End of day 2


Wednesday 4 June

8.00    Walk-in         

9.00    Opening & keynote

10.30  Break

11.00  Session round 1: Workshops, Oral Presentations and Table Talks

12.00  Session round 2: Workshops, Oral Presentations and Table Talks

12.45  Lunchbreak 

13.15  Start Show & Tell presentations in the Atrium

          Themes: (1) Braille and Literacy & Tactile Books 

14.15  Session round 3: Workshops, Oral Presentations and Show & Tell presentations

15.15  Session round 4: Workshops, Oral Presentations and Show & Tell Presentations

16.15  Keynote & plenary closing    

17.15  End of Tactile Reading Conference

Show & Tell categorised by theme

We chose to categorise the show & tell presentations on the 6 main themes and offer them together. The overview is as follows.

Monday:          4. Innovative Technology & 3. Arts, Leisure Times and Games
Tuesday:         2. Tactile Graphics and 3D objects & 5. Education & 6. MDVI
Wednesday:   1. Braille and Literacy & Tactile Books*

*Because an lot of abstracts were offered that dealt with tactile books, we decided to put them all together. 

All other presentation formats, table talks, oral presentations and interactive workshops are not offered categorised. We will spread these across all days. 

DRAFT Program

Below you will find an overview of all the Workshops, Oral Presentations, Show & Tell Presentations and Table Talks accepted by the program committee. This is a draft program. Once we have received responses from all abstract submitters, the final programme will be published mid-March.

Interactive workshops

‘Draw Along’: Experience your own tactile drawing skills!‘Draw Along’: a learning path for blind students in the age of 4 - 16 to teach technical and creative drawing skills systematically.Chantal te Boekhorst 
“On the tactile road to Braille": A programme to prepare blind children for learning to read Markus LangYes
A multi-sensory approach to bring story time to life beyond the typical story book… with success!Welcome to Marvin’s Story Time Show - a dynamic story time in a virtual world for children and young people with vision impairmentGwyneth McCormackYes
Accessible tools & teaching materialsfor math, the lab, the kitchen, and the workshopChantal de Graaf 
Approximate PerspectiveAn accessible way to translate the 3D world into 2D pictures.Ann CunninghamYes
Braille Music Our WayIntroducing a new and unique approach to music literacy through Braille.Wendy RichardsYes
Building bridges to standardise practices amongst transcription entities in France Géraud Tissier 
Drawing in math and physicsA tactile approachIlse Disseldorp 
Enhancing Tactile CommunicationBridging Visual and Tactile ExpressionAnn ConefreyYes
Essential Tools of the TradeA Guide for Completing Functional Vision, Non-Visual Skills, Learning Media, and Expanded Core Curriculum EvaluationsJulie Majzel 
How LEGO Braille Bricks are a game changer? Marc AngelierYes
How to add braille to your 3D models using PrusaSlicerDuring this workshop, participants will learn how to put braille on existing 3D models using the free software of PrusaSlicer (basic knowledge of working with slicing software/3D design is required)Evert RasingYes
How to use tactile images in preparing a visit to a museum or heritage site. Hoëlle Corvest-MorelYes
Integrating Braille and Tactile Resources to Elevate AwarenessUse 3D design and 3D printing to further universal designRichard He 
Intelligence and Development Scales for Students with Blindness and Visual Impairments (IDS-2-BS)Adapted Test Procedures for Assessing Areas of Intelligence and DevelopmentFabian WinterYes
Learning Media AssessmentAhmed and Mira, Two Swedish Case StudiesSofi Malmgren 
Learning Through Play with LEGO Braille Bricks Marc AngelierYes
Learning to read and write together with braille and print in inclusive teaching Agnes UnterstabYes
Making Connections to the National Research Agenda for STEM Education for Students with Visual Impairments by Creating a Biochemistry Lab Access Video Series Caroline Karbowski 
Modified version of the Tactual Profile to map touch in adults with acquired deafblindness.Experience how this observation instrument contributes to the awareness of touch and what is different from the other versions of the Tactual Profile.Saskia Biesterbos 
Open Your Ears: Empowering Young Learners through Sonification and Tactile LiteracyExploring the Intersection of Tactile Literacy and Digital Proficiency for Students with Visual ImpairmentsPhia DamsmaYes
Playing and learning inclusively: Discovering the world of letters with Alex and Lilani Andréas Netthoevel
Fabienne Meyer
Martin Gaberthüel
Sarah Adams
Pre-Braille: The Unexpected Fast-Track to Adult Braille Reading Success Chantelle Griffiths 
Sensory Enhanced Interactive Storytelling TechniqueFostering Moments of Shared Enjoyment and Joint AttentionRita Gerkema-NijhofYes
Stimulating and Developing the Tactile Sense for Children Learning Braille in Inclusive settings Silje Benonisen 
Tactile comics and manga Alexandre ILIC 
Tactile musicTactile music token, tactile guitar, tactile tititomTor Sivert GunnesYes
TacTiles: A Tactile Approach to Solving Mathematical EquationsEmpowering Braille Students to Engage with Math through TouchAnnemiek van LeendertYes
Teach What You Preach: Inclusive Math Education for Braille ReadersStrategies for Fostering Inclusive Math Learning for Braille ReadersAnnemiek van LeendertYes
The learning path of an a-typical braille student (or is he not that a-typical?).What to do if the standard education methods do not work for a braille student?Miranda Zwijgers 
TouchTileInclusive Math for Sighted and Blind Students with a Focus on Learning Through PlayEric de QuartelYes
Turning The TablesThe unseen link between hard copy braille and screen reader masteryMatthew HorspoolYes
Unlocking the Museum ExperienceEmpowering blind and low vision students through touch, tactile art, innovative technologies, and multisensory exploration.Lily GowerYes
Using Tactile Books for Concept DevelopmentAbstract from the Erasmus Tacticos ProjectAnneke Blok
Ann Conefrey
Dorine in 't Veld

Oral presentations

3D printed sign language alphabet for the deafblind Rolf MjønesYes
3D Printing & Global ImpactsUsing 3D printing to impact STEM learning and braille literacy in global populationsSamuel FoulkesYes
A Cognitive Task Analysis of Tactile Graphics Design Theophile VIERYes
A house is a mountain is a hatA tactile illustrated album about architecture for childrenFilipa Tomaz 
Access to Critical Tactile Literacy Skills Patricia LeaderYes
Accessible STEM books: are we there yet? Anders EklundYes
Accessing Non-verbal Reasoning Questions in Tactile FormatAn Account of Experience of the VI StudentsRobinson ThamburajYes
Adaptation and validation of ITVIC, intelligence test for children with a visual impairment.Strength and weakness analysis in tactile perception and information processingYvonne Kruithof 
Adaptation for primary schools mathematics books in NorwayHow do we adapt a mathematics book in Braille for pupils in primary school in a way that preserves the learning objectives and achieves inclusion?Torbjørn Simmenes 
An International Attempt to Sharing Resources forChildren with Visual ImpairmentsRegarding the Picture Book, “Join the dots: Alex and Lilani discover the world of letters”Kozue HandaYes
Analogous relationship between depiction and hapticsTactile interpreted communication for the deafblindNatasha Parkins 
Analysis of Braille Reading FluencyAn exploration of strategies for developing an efficient braille reading techniqueDave WilliamsYes
Art at your FingertipsThe latest in Art through Tactile ImagesCorine GironYes
Beginning Tactile Graphics Literacy Instruction Early: Our Experience with 28 U.S. Braille Readers in Grades 2-5 Tina Herzberg 
Blind and Low Vision Education Network New Zealand (BLENNZ) Developing a national pedagogy for the teaching of Literacy through Braille. Devi DawsonYes
Braille 200: Preserving and Promoting a Cultural Legacy for Future Generations Connor Scott-GardnerYes
Braille and the ABC Global Book Service Monica Halil Lövblad 
Braille for Everyday Use Danette Johnson 
Braille in the Linguistic LandscapePerspectives from the Blind communities in Japan and AustraliaHannah KunertYes
BrailleGPT: Can AI Teach Braille? Mustafa Doğuş 
Can 3d Printing be Done Independently by a Blind Person Judith DixonYes
Co-designing and prototyping a novel tactile display for images and Braille Kirsten Rassmus-GröhnYes
Comparison of tactile materials for math education between Germany and Japan Mayu MoriYes
Controlling the swell effect on swell-paper graphics Jakub WabińskiYes
Creating Multimodal Materials with and for Children who are Blind and Visually Impaired Kate Power 
Curating with CareDesigning a multi-sensory art experience.Adele Bērziņa 
Design of 3D items to assist in the reduction of production time of Brailling Primary School Maths books.How we designed and created objects in 3D to assist in the production of primary Braille Maths books, along with using new software to help reduce diagram production time.Aisling Murphy 
Developing Spatial Thinking Through Touch Over TimeOne TVI’s Use of Mediation to Support Nonvisual Tactile Graphicacy in Her Blind StudentErin FoleyYes
Digital Publishing of Braille Standards: An Effective Approach Lars BjørndalYes
Enhancing Tactile Appreciation of Two-Dimensional Art through 3D Technology: A Multidimensional Approach Shinji MiyasakaYes
Exploring Visually Impaired Students’ Perception of Biological Characteristics through Collaborative Storybook Creation ChuYu ChengYes
Fostering a Love for Reading and Language PreservationTactile Picture Books in a South African ContextWilna CombrinckYes
From conception to production: a two-brain process in designing tactile graphs Mathieu Gaborit 
Future Braille Literacy: Tradition and technology hand in hand Ana Rebolo MaderueloYes
Generating accurate tactile maps with a Geographic Information System Julian Nauta 
Going audibly dotty about ancient languages and phoneticsMaking Braille and Speech work with exotic charactersVivian AldridgeYes
Historical perspectives - perspectives for the futureLessons learned about tactile images in the Netherlands in the past 25 years and their relevance for future developmentsDorine in 't VeldYes
how do braille display characteristics shape reading performance across adulthood? Natalina MartinielloYes
Improving Braille Music Literacy Geert Maessen 
Inclusive Tactile Media DesignEngaging Undergraduates in Design-Based Research and Co-DesignAbigale Stangl 
Inclusive Toys and Games for Individuals with Visual Impairments:Insights from Japan, India, United States, and GermanyHisae MiyauchiYes
Innovative approaches in braille educationHarnessing technology to create inclusive learning environmentsFrances Gentle 
Innovative tactile technology in education Jesse Wienholts 
inTACT Digitizing Sketchpad for Raised-Line Drawing Michael Coleman 
Learning Through Play: The International Lego Braille Bricks Research Project. John RavenscroftYes
Learning to touch: the tactile aesthetic experiences of tactile picture books Lily Stone 
Literacy Without Limits: Strategies for Students with Visual and Multiple Disabilities Samantha EyleyYes
Making Computational Thinking TangibleA tactile approach to learning computational thinking in primary educationRuben Brandsma 
Mathlete Competition: Integrating Braille Math Notation and Computation Sara Larkin 
Modeling Relative Haptic Perception for Tactile Pattern Design: A Metric through Comparison Pooran Memari 
Multimodal Approaches to STEM: Combining Braille Displays, Programming, and Robotics for Accessible LearningEmpowering Students with Inclusive Learning StrategiesRegina (Gina) FugateYes
Music Braille: where are we now?Perspectives from the DAISY Music Braille ProjectSarah Morley WilkinsYes
Navigate the transition between kindergarten and school with inclusive material Anette H 
New Directions in Tactile ReadingBraille Modernization at the National Library Service for the Blind and Print DisabledAlice O'ReillyYes
Paper versus digital brailleWhich is read faster? Why?Tetsuya WatanabeYes
Pedagogical strategies that support the sustained development of braille literacy in a mainstream classroom. Karen CroakeYes
Playing with the SensesA Lend-able Sensory Kit for Your CommunityTriona Keane 
PreFigure for creating tactile mathematical diagrams David AustinYes
PreTeXt, PreFigure, and the production of braille math books David AustinYes
Quality of Life for Braille users: report from a scoping review Aasha RoseYes
Raised pattern enumeration by active touchWhen number judgments are (and are not) affected by covarying dimensionsBarry Hughes 
Reading braille with eight dotsImproving access to digital content by developing braille standardsBjörn WestlingYes
Refreshable Tactile DisplaysResearch into the Changing Landscape of Tactile GraphicsLeona HollowayYes
Scriptures of the blindBraille and the development of different codes and systemsErich SchmidYes
Sparsh Bharati: A Braille-like system for Indian Languages Srinivasa Chakravarthy 
Strategies for Teaching Students Who Are Blind to Use Image Descriptions When Paired with Tactile Graphics or Digital ContentUse of Image Descriptions and Tactile GraphicsAlexis RedfordYes
Studying the Neural Basis of Braille Literacy and Numeracy Tessa McCarthyYes
TactiDigit-ART project: accessible art-historical approach to reading and constructing tactile images.How does this device facilitate accessibility and empowerment for visually impaired adults?Agnès Piquard-Kipffer 
Tactile Architectures: Adopting Inclusive Co-Design Rebecca Adda 
Teaching Braille to AdultsA priority in favour of independence and autonomy for National Organizations of the Blind across EuropeSonja SchmidtYes
The Challenges and Limitations in Designing Tactile Images: Preliminary Results from a Research OverviewHow can we improve the design of tactile images for the benefit of visually impaired readers' reading situation?Catinka GrunditzYes
The Comprehensive Holistic Approach for Maximizing Performance and Independence using Optimal and Natural (CHAMPION) MethodsThe CHAMPION Model of AssessmentCheryl Kamei-Hannan 
The Learning through Play Experience Tool for children with visual impairment Marc AngelierYes
The Mythical Holy Braille Is Now A RealityThe Journey of the Monarch and What's NextGreg StilsonYes
The Practice and Effectiveness of Project-Based Learning in the "Braille" Course of Special Education Programs Chun-Hui WuYes
The role of shape sounds in tactile shape recognition Torø GravenYes
The Sciences of LiteracyWhat Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments and Orientation and Mobility Specialists Need to KnowJulie Majzel 
The tactile book of mathematical graphs Floor Venderbosch 
TMAP: Tactile Maps Automated Production Greg Kehret 
Touching artThe State Tactile Museo Omero: a museum without any barriersannalisa trasatti 
Towards a Science of Braille Reading and WritingCentering the LernersRobert EnglebretsonYes
T-rep: a web repository of tactile cartographic knowledge Jakub WabińskiYes
Unlocking Braille’s Potential: Navigating the New eBraille Standard Willow FreeYes
Valuing the expertise of braille teachers to create an evidence-based developmental pathway for braille literacy Emily WhiteYes
VISUAL LITERACY: UNDERSTANDING TACTILE IMAGES CONCERNING EXPRESSIONS OF VISUAL CULTUREChallenges in communicating the look of Minecraft and a Renaissance drawing to the blindAnne Bottenheft 
Visualising the InvisibleExploring Mental Images of the Built Environment by People with Visual Impairments through Participatory Design ResearchGourab KarYes
What Does the Science of Reading Mean for Teachers of Braille? Frances Mary D'AndreaYes
With dots and lines to Braille and print:‘Alex and Lilani discover the world of letters’ - an inclusive learning material to introduce the acquisition of literacyMarkus LangYes
To make speech-to-text interpreting accessible in Braille Linda ErikssonYes

Show & Tell presentations

"Cada Bichinho No Seu Caminho"Children's Literature and Visual ImpairmentPatricia Igna da Rosa 
“Making participation possible in the practical lessons"Thinking from the perspective of the five compensatory skillsNoortje Opsteegh 
3D Laser Scanner + Machine Learning: A New Platform for Braille Digitization Lei He 
A Great Leveler in the Lives of Persons with DeafblindnessSamsung Good Vibes Innovative Technology for Persons with DeafblindnessSachin Rizal 
A SWIMMING DUCK IS DIFFERENT FROM A SWIMMING FISHThe power of tactile images in understanding the world around youAnne Bottenheft 
Accessibility of Cultural Heritage for People with Visual ImpairmentsTactile Maps, Audio Descriptions, and Inclusive SolutionsMaria Kozharina 
Analysis of Textbooks from the Perspective of Subject Considerations for Children with visual impairment and Development of math ratio teaching materials that can be operated by touch Momoko MashioYes
Audio Tactile Graphics with Tiptoi Pen Gerhard Jaworek 
Blind ChemistryGetting a grasp on moleculesIrina Cirpus 
Braille Innovation: A Workshop on Adapting Liblouis to Your Language Needs Christian Egli 
Building a Better Book3D Printing for Global Tactile LearningTamara O'CallaghanYes
Collaboration for Innovation: Harpo, Designers, and the University of the Arts PoznanCollaboration model between Harpo, designers, and the University of the Arts Poznan (UAP), which fosters the development of innovative technologies accessible to visually impaired.Wojciech Nowak 
Combining automatically generated tactile maps with a 3D model to improve the tactile experience Barbora BertlováYes
Development a multisensory children's storybook to support the English language teaching and learning process Fabiane Bravo de Martins Bastos 
Development and introduction of teaching materials for young children with blindness and MDVI that are encouraging exploration of the outside world, tactile findings, expansion and formation of tactile space, fine motor skills, and development of concepts of size, shape, and quantity. Kanako Fukuda 
Development and Introduction of the 78 Types Convex-Line Tactile Maze Tasks Consisting Five Instructional Steps Tomoko Tateshita 
Development of polyhedral composition units to improve art creation activities and spatial cognition for the visually impaired and elderly Hiroshi Katoh
Toshihiro Kanahori
Mitsunobu Matsuo
Haruka Matsuo
Different versions of the Tactual Profile for different target groupsSee, feel, and learn the versions of the Tactual ProfileMiranda Zwijgers 
Discovering books with nimble fingersIdeas for reading promotion from the German Center for Accessible ReadingCaroline SchürerYes
Empowering MDVI students to Learn at Their Own Pace, in Their Own WayUse of technology and development of own teaching methods to support education for MDVI studentsMiriam van Hees 
Experience tactile art and photosPhotos you don’t have to seeMarc EldersYes
Exploring multisensory (tactile-auditory) pictures Torø GravenYes
Exploring the Flatbed Printer as an Alternative to Established Techniques for Production of Tactile Graphics Catinka GrunditzYes
Families With Pre-school Children Learning Tactile Reading: Inspiring and Supporting Material Kits Catinka GrunditzYes
Fluency at Your Fingertips: The Power of ReadingThe power of Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI) in enhancing reading fluency and comprehension for students who are blind and vision impaired.Skye Jones 
Haptic Tablet for the Accessibility of Digital Content to the Visually Impaired Sabrina Panëels 
How to make comics accessible ? Basile MignonneauYes
How To Use Tactile Maps Jerry KunsYes
Hymn books of the futureEveryone has the right to singSolveig-Marie Oma 
Inclusive early literacy: Ensuring all children to enjoy picture books! Colette Pelt 
Inclusive ReadingReading together made possibleMarc EldersYes
Inclusive with Emphasis for Visually Impaired ChildrenAccess to Books for Visually Impaired ChildrenZahra FarmaniYes
It's all arrows to meTracking dynamics in sciencesTobias MahnkeYes
Keynoa - Augmenting the Braille and moreKeynoaIbrahim CherradiYes
Learningpath 3D-2Dunderstanding tactile drawingsBrenda Zwijnenburg 
LivingbrailleBraille resource portal of European Blind UnionMichal TkacikYes
Magic of touch: Tactile graphics and exercises for preschool children with visual impairment Sami MäättäYes
Me and RickyYoung blind children learn at a structured and a playful way about their own body, their body in the environment, spatial orientation nearby and with objects.Marianne van Vinne 
Methodical development of tactile maps of historic gardens Albina MoscickaYes
Online Tactile Maps on Public Map PortalHow to print and use the mapsPetr ČervenkaYes
Optimizing perceptual performance with pixel based tactile images Meike HeldoornYes
Paintings even for the Chintamani Hasabnis 
Participatory design of sensory and tactile toolsSensory mediation medium designed by visually impairment peopleSabrina MorissonYes
Products developed by the Visio 3D TeamAn overview of tactile educational materials, developed by the Visio 3D teamEvert RasingYes
Realtime Collaboration on Graphically Structured Content for EveryoneEqual Collaboration through Audio-Tactile Interfaces and 2D Tactile DisplaysLukas Schölch 
Revisiting the “Visualization” Level of van Hiele Theory on Geometric ThinkingFrom the Perspectives of Japanese Teachers in Schools for the BlindHisae MiyauchiYes
Social inclusion through collaborative partnerships Islah BoutaharYes
Specialization of Picture Books for Blind Children Kokab Tahbaz 
Status of Standard Braille Codes in Developing Countries Dipendra ManochaYes
TactiFable, an inclusive way of discovering children's heritage literature and helping children to start reading.Educational box of tactile cardsSolène NégrerieYes
Tactile books for little avid fingersThe DBSV tactile and action books for children with and without visual impairmentEva Cambeiro AndradeYes
Tactile gamesPlaying (board)games together, whether you are blind, partially sighted or sighted.Marc EldersYes
Tactile Graphics for Braille instruction Sonja SchmidtYes
Tactile graphics in Swedish educational materials; production impacts on the tactile end result Anna-Karin Andersson 
Tactile StorytellingCreating Accessible Illustrations with Reclaimed MaterialsStephanie SimpsonYes
Tactile Theme Packages as a Braille Reading Motivatorthe joy of braille reading for children and young peopleMarjo Kauttonen 
Tactile urbanismMapping urban and cultural landscapesAna PetrovićYes
The Basic set and it’s toolbox of the learning path Draw Along for blind children aged 4-12 Alies Aarts 
The GruffaloA Children's Book Classic in a New DesignAntje MönnigYes
The Magical Art of StorytellingA Multi-sensory ExperienceCheryl Kamei-Hannan 
Two Traditional Board Games of India Enjoyed by Vision Impaired People Robinson ThamburajYes
Unified Braille Conversion Solution for Text, Math, Graphics, and Music Phúc Dang 
User-validated tactile map design and symbology Jolijn Jansen 
Vibrotactile technology for Social Haptic Communication Myrthe PlaisierYes
Tactile Studio Alexandra VerdeilYes
Digital learning material for braille beginners Catarina HäggYes
I don't know what I don't know!Development of sexuality education materials for youth with a visual impairmentDilana Schaafsma 
Possibility and Benefits of 3D CAD Modeling by the Visually impairedIllustrated with examplesKazunori Minatani 

Table Talks

In the table below, you will find an overview of all table talks accepted by the program committee. This is a draft programme. Starting mid-March, once we have received responses from all abstract submitters, the final programme will be published.

Akward. What are they talking about.What do visual impaired youngsters need to know nowadays to join the conversation about daily sexsual topics.Yolanda Eys 
Braille displays usageresults of the survey of European Blind UnionMichal TkacikYes
Braille displays usageresults of a survey and measures to improve those devicesresults of a worldwide survey and measures to improve those devicesReiner DelgadoYes
Dreaming of accessible computer braille. Or: Will 32 + 42 remain 52 for ever? Vivian AldridgeYes
How Can We Make 3D Printing More Accessible for the Blind and Low Vision (BLV) Community?What works? What doesn't? What hacks can we use? How can we work together as a global community to share knowledge and advocate for improvements?Caroline Karbowski 
Let’s set an end to the Tactile Images FaminWorking on international publications of tactile imagesHoëlle Corvest-MorelYes
Math and the natural sciencesHow to support blind students and their teachers?Ilse Disseldorp 
Printing tactile images accurately with UV-printers Randi Kvåle 
Spatial thinking in tactile imagesOrthogonal projection for a correct spatial mental representationDorine in 't VeldYes
Supporting Digital Reading in Braille through the provisions of the European Accessibility Act Katie Durand 
Tactile color compassInclusive forms of experiencing arts & graphicsSylvia GoldbachYes
Tactile information in public spacesThe importance of standardizing tactile information in orientation, navigation and informationFrouck de Boer 
Towards a tool to help educate children and young people with blindness and low vision about eSafetyExploring the potential for an educational game that combines tactile, visual, audio, digital, and physical interaction.Phia DamsmaYes
Widen the range of accessible tools for a better inclusion process for children with special needsTactile Images as a tool for personalizing learning in School for AllDan PatzeltYes