Program under construction
07:00 Walk-in & registration
09:00 Opening
More information about the opening
10:30 Break
11:00 Round 1
11:00 Oral presentations
11:00 Table Talks
11:00 Workshops
12:00 Round 2
12:00 Oral presentations
12:00 Table Talks
12:00 Workshops
12:45 Lunch
12:45 Show & Tell presentations
14:15 Round 3
14:15 Oral presentations
14:15 Show & Tell presentations
14:15 Workshops
15:15 Round 4
15:15 Oral presentations
15:15 Show & Tell presentations
15:15 Workshops
16:30 Closing
08:00 Walk-in & registration
09:00 Opening

Astrid Kappers studied experimental physics in Utrecht. She did her PhD research in Eindhoven in the field of speech recognition using a computer. After her PhD (1989), she returned to Utrecht University, where she conducted research into visual and haptic perception. She became a professor there in 2005. After a major reorganization, she and her group left for the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam in 2012. Since 2018, she has been working at the Eindhoven University of Technology, where she can focus on more applied research. She has received several prestigious grants, including a VICI grant from NWO. She has served on the editorial staff of several international journals and has been frequently involved in the organization of international conferences. Under her leadership, 29 researchers have obtained their PhDs and many students have graduated. She is involved in more than 300 publications in international magazines or books.
Ans Withagen has years of experience as a special educationalist at a school for visually impaired children at Royal Dutch Visio. Her expertise lies in the field of the tactual development of blind children. At the beginning of 2000, she and a project group started developing a Tactual Profile for children who have been blind from birth. This instrument is now used worldwide and was validated in 2005. She did a PhD study on tactual functioning of blind children.
Subsequently, she led many projects to stimulate the tactual development of blind children in education.
10:30 Break
11:00 Round 1
11:00 Oral presentations
11:00 Table Talks
11:00 Workshops
12:00 Round 2
12:00 Oral presentations
12:00 Table Talks
12:00 Workshops
12:45 Lunch
12:45 Show & Tell presentations
14:15 Round 3
14:15 Oral presentations
14:15 Show & Tell presentations
14:15 Workshops
15:15 Round 4
15:15 Oral presentations
15:15 Show & Tell presentations
15:15 Workshops
16:15 Closing
08:00 Walk-in & registration
09:00 Opening

Markus Lang is Professor of Special Needs Education in the context of Blindness and Visual Impairment (Heidelberg University of Education).
- University of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd (1989-1992): Teaching degree for primary and lower secondary schools (specialising in history, German, music)
- Heidelberg University of Education (1992-1994): Teaching degree in special needs education (specialism: Education in the context of Blindness and Visual Impairment)
Doctorate (1999-2002)
- Dissertation on “The promotion of haptic perception to prepare blind children for the acquisition of Braille”
- Teacher in Special Needs Education at the Schloss-Schule Ilvesheim (School for the Blind and Visually Impaired) (1996-1999 and 2002-2005)
- Substitute Professor of Special Needs Education in the context of Blindness and Visual Impairment at the Heidelberg University of Education (2005-2012)
- Professor of Special Needs Education in the context of Blindness and Visual Impairment at the Heidelberg University of Education (since 2013)